This is a personal account and does not express the views of the US Peace Corps

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Photos of Site Visit

Update and Experiences to Come

Kelly-Nous Nous- the dog I might be inheriting

Vaccination Days out in the Bush with the hospital I'll be working with

Me, my counterpart, and Alice (the PCV I'll be replacing)

Rhumsiki- 10 minutes away from my House

More Rhumsiki
Mogode-my new home

On top of a mountain we hiked -Nigeria in the background

Alice's House (we're I'll be living as of December)


  1. Wow.. Amazing pictures.. So glad you are doing well.

  2. Love the me such a great feeling about where you are and what you are doing.
    I am so proud of you and love and adore YOU> BP
